VALENCIAVALENCIA.COM - Valencia City Guide and Travel / Tourist Information

Falla Ayuntamento (Falla Especial)

Las Fallas fiesta in Valencia photos / images

This is the only falla not commissioned by a Falla-Community: it is the Mayor's contribution to the Fallas festival. Strictly speaking it is not a Falla Especial since it does not participate in the contest for the first prize. But it is the central point for Las Fallas festival, so it is very special after all - the official face of the Fallas of Valencia. This is where most visitors watch the crema (the burning).

This 2006 Falla "Imagine" is inspired by John Lennon's song. A mother rocks her child, imagining another, better world for him. Quickly, though, the falla goes off track in many places, imagining obscure wacky things, quite entertaining.

Height of Falla: 25 metres
Number of ninots (figurines): 35
Cost of Falla: 190.000€
Falla Location

Some ninots of this falla:

Las Fallas fiesta in Valencia photos / images
The Man himself
Las Fallas fiesta in Valencia photos / images George? Ringo?
Las Fallas fiesta in Valencia photos / images
"Another world is possible"...
with Africa in the centre
Las Fallas fiesta in Valencia photos / images Imagine there were no mobile phones
Las Fallas fiesta in Valencia photos / images
Poseidon wishes we didn't pollute waters of the planet.
Las Fallas fiesta in Valencia photos / images
Erm..not sure...perhaps imagine everyone had a pair like this?

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Las Fallas fiesta in Valencia photos / images  - See our image galleries of Fallas-Sculptures 2006


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