VALENCIAVALENCIA.COM - Valencia City Guide and Travel / Tourist Information

Resources for Las Fallas

For the info, schedules and explanations on Las Fallas we hope this website does a good job. But you will probably want to have something in your pocket, especially a map of the fallas-sculptures.

For general maps of Valencia see our Orientation page.

For specialised Fallas literature the Tourist Offices offer the following materials for free:

Falles de Valencia booklet
- a healthy thick booklet with all Fallas events from 20th of January, even those you won’t care for such as ceremonies of Fallera Mayor visiting various places. Fireworks, carnivals, crema, it is all here.

Programa de Fallas
- a thinner booklet containing the same information in less detail.

Plano de Fallas - a map of Valencia with 30 most prominent Fallas, including all of the 15 Fallas Especiales.


For a more thorough visitor, a non-government production is Turista Fallero - a thick comprehensive magazine where you will not only have the map with every single Falla on it, but you will also get a short explanation (in Castellano and some in Valenciano only) of what every single Falla is about. It is very handy if you understand Spanish: since all verses stuck on the Fallas are in Valenciano, you can look up every Falla in your magazine and get an idea of what you are looking at. It is also great to choose areas of higher concentration of Fallas-Sculptures when you are deciding which way to head - the map is excellent. Turista Fallero is available in newspaper shops for 8 euros. But don’t leave it too late - they do run out.

Las Fallas fiesta in Valencia photos / images  - See our image galleries of Fallas-Sculptures 2006


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