23rd March 2008 - Easter Sunday
Be sure you read our important note on locations and times of
the processions >>>>>
Finally comes the Easter Sunday. From the early hours of the
morning the joy of Resurrection of Christ spreads through the maritime
district. The somber and tragic processions of the past few days
will be replaced with joyful parades showered by flower petals.
In the first part of the day the Brotherhoods will get busy with
two things. First, many places in the district will have processions
to commemorate the Holy Encounter of Mother with Resurrected
Son. It is staged with the imagenes
of Mary and Jesus. The Catholics are particularly fond of this episode.
Secondly, after those processions, the Brotherhoods will run around
the houses of district, making sure that even those who are ill,
or incapacitated, and can't get out of the house, will get the news
of Christ's Resurrection. Unforunately we can't give you any details
for those events, since they will happen throughout the district
in individual houses.
At 1pm all the Brotherhoods will get together for the last big
celebration of Easter - the Parade of Resurrection.
The Parade of Resurrection is one
of the three biggest events of the entire Semana Santa Marinera in Valencia.
Don't miss it!
Read here>>>
Processions of the Holy Encounter
All of the Brotherhoods will gather for these processions in their 4
Parish of los Angeles
Brotherhoods: 9
Catch it at: 10am (start), Plaza Angeles
Length: 2.5 hours
Parish of San Rafael
Brotherhoods: 5
Catch it at: 9am (start), Mediterraneo X Reina
Length: 45 min
Parish of the Temple (Santa Maria del Mar)
Brotherhoods: 5
Catch it at: 10.30am (start), Temple
Length: 1 hour
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