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Gallery of the Uniforms of the Brotherhoods
Semana Santa Marinera , Valencia

The Brotherhoods of Semana Santa Marinera in Valencia, in the order they appear in most processions, especially in the main Procession of the Holy Burial


(1)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(2)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(3)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(4)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain


1. Brotherhood of the Shroud - dressed as Crusader soldiers
Corporacion de Sayones
2. Brotherhood of the Holy Cup of the Supper
Hermandad del Santo Caliz de la Cena
3. Brotherhood of Jesus' Prayer in the Garden
Hermandad de la Oracion de Jesus en el Huerto
4. Brotherhood of Jesus At The Column
Cofradia de Jesus en la Columna


(5)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(6)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, SpainBrotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(7)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, SpainBrotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain

5. Brotherhood of the Holiest "Behold the Man!"
Hermandad del Santisimo Ecce-Homo
6. Brotherhood of Jesus of Medinaceli
Cofradia de Jesus de Medinaceli
7. Brotherhood of Pretorians and the Repentant
Corporacion de Pretorianos y Penientes

The 6 and 7 have two uniforms - a traditional high-hood and a Roman soldier outfit, as a tribute to the soldiers who repented their treatment of Christ.


(8)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(9)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(10)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(11)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain


8. Brotherhood of Centurion Longinos
Corporacion de Longinos
9. Brotherhood of Jesus with the Cross and Christ Resurrected
Real Hermanidad de Jesus con la Cruz y Cristo Resucitado
10. Brotherhood of the Holy Encounter
Hermandad del Santo Encuentro
11. Brotherhood of the Holy Face
Real Hermandad de la Santa Faz

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(12)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(13)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, SpainBrotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(14)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain


12. Brotherhood Our Father Jesus of Nazareth
Hermandad de Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno
13. Brotherhood of the Crucificxion of the Lord
Hermandad de la Crucifixion del Senor
14. Holy Brotherhood of the Death and Resurrection of the Lord
Santa Hermandad de la Muerte y Resureccion del Senor


(15)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(16)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(17)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(18)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain


15. Brotherhood of the Holiest Christ of the Distressed
Hermandad del Santisimo Cristo de los Afligidos
16. Brotherhood of the Holiest Christ of Forgiveness
Hermandad del Santisimo Cristo del Perdon
17. Brotherhood of the Holiest Christ the Savior
Hermandad del Santisimo Cristo del Perdon
18. Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Holy Succession
Hermandad de Vestas del Santisimo Cristo del Buen Acierto

These brotherhoods, above and below, take their names from corresponding images of Christ on the Cross - in Catholisism there are numerous images of the same crucifixion, all carrying a different message to the viewer.


(19)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(20)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(21)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(22)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain


19. Brotherhood of the Holiest Christ of Harmony
Real Hermandad del Santisimo Cristo de la Concordia
20. Brotherhood of the Holiest Christ the Savior and Protector
Hermandad del Santisimo Cristo del Salvador y del Amparo
21. Brotherhood of Christ of the Holy Death
Cofradia del Cristo de la Buena Muerte
22. Brotherhood of Descendance from the Cross
Hermandad del Descendimiento del Senor

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(23)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(24)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(25)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(26)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain


23. Brotherhood of the Holiest Mary of the Anguished
Hermandad de Maria Santisima se las Angustias
24. Brotherhood of the Grenadiers of the Virgin of Pain
Cofradia de Granaderos de la Virgen de los Dolores
25. Brotherhood of the Grendadiers of the Virgin
Corporacion de Granaderos de la Virgen 
26. Brotherhood of the Grenadiers of the Virgin of Solitude
Cofradia de Granaderos de la Virgen de la Soledad

The Armed Brotherhoods - The Grenadiers

A special word is due here on these uniforms which are unique to Valencia and won't be found anywhere else in Spain. What do the Napoleonic era grenadiers have to do with Christ's Passions?

The Napoleonic invasion of Spain was the most brutal war this country has seen before or since, and the post-revolution French were not particularly religious. Yet, during the occupation of Valencia, a regiment of grenadiers was assigned by the French command to protect the image of the Virgin of the Forsaken in the Basilica de la Virgen de los Desamparados from the looters, as a sign of respect for local customs.

Catholicism always remembers the Mother's Pain and the Virgin plays a very big role in the rituals. In the middle of a brutal war, this sign of mercy and respect conquered the hearts of Valencians so much, that now the Semana Santa Marinera has three brotherhoods as a tribute to those grenadiers. You will notice that all three units are dedicated to the Virgin.


(27)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, SpainBrotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain(28)Brotherhoods (Hermandad, Cofradia) of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain

27. Brotherhood of the Holy Silence
Hermandad de Santo Silencio
28. Brotherhood of the Holy Tomb
Hermandad del Santo Sepulcro

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