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Banks / Currency Exchange in Valencia
Banks / Currency Exchange in Valencia, SpainThere is a slight culture gap here. Some banks do not view you as a valuable paying customer that you are in your home town. Rather, you are a potential counterfeight fiend or a credit card scammer, so please bear with that. Dress reasonable. The Spanish society is traditinally more cash-oriented, so the banks have not become a routine part of the day to the same extent as in some other countries. There is a certain mistrust and suspicion that will be present, as well as The Great Visible Importance. HoursBanks have short days: 9 am - 2 pm Monday to Friday. IDWhatever you want to do in the bank, take your passport or at least a driving license. ID checks are a favourite pastime of bank workers. Main Branch VS Small BranchIt is always best to go to the main banch of a bank in Valencia as those will be more flexible with your requests. For example, small branches have a much lower limit on how much cash you can exchange in one day. Most main branches are located in C/ Poeta Querol and C/ Barcas, just off Plaza del Ayntamento towards Glorieta. You can view our map of tourist offices, internet cafes, photo shops and banks for easy navigation. Cash exchangeAs mentioned, the regulations will vary from bank to bank. Some will have a limit (perhaps around 300€ per day) while others won't. Yet others will have a limit but won't care and exchange anyway. You get the idea. If at first you don't succeed... Try to not bring obscure notes, such as those going out of circulation in your country. Try not to bring obscure currencies either. If you are from Kyrgyzstan, you are better off bying Euros before coming to Valencia. Credit / Debit CardsMost International networks, such as Visa, MC, etc, will be no problem and you can easily draw from a cash machine, which are frequent. There will be a fee of 1-2%. It is the best way of having your money in Valencia Travel ChequesTravel cheques do not have full confidence in Valencia and you may be better off keeping them for a more international destination, such as Barcelona or Madrid, unless you have no choice. In which case, dress nice and if at first you don't succeed.. try the bank next door. American Express CardAmerican Express Card does not have confidence in Valencia and will be rejected. Bottom LineBanks will not assume you are problem-free! It is up to you to make that impression. |
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