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Services in Valencia>
Internet and Phone Centres in Valencia
Internet and Phone Centres in Valencia, SpainYou can view our map of tourist offices, internet cafes, photo shops and banks for easy navigation. Local payphones are operated by coins so making calls is easy. Both international phonecalls and internet are best found in a locutorio. These are widespread in Valencia usually due to the high demand by Latin American and African residents who need to stay in touch with home. They are small, privately owned (usually by those very foreigners) with a number of phone booths and, usually, internet too. A locutorio can connect you to pretty much anywhere in the world, as well as sell you a whole range of international phone cards. Internet is generally more expensive in the centre. Because they are small enterprises the locutirios are more numerous in residential areas where properties are cheaper. However, there are still a few in the centre: You can view our map of tourist offices, internet cafes, photo shops and banks for easy navigation.
There are a few other places where you can call or use the internet:
You can view our map of tourist offices, internet cafes, photo shops and banks for easy navigation. Everywhere else, just walk around or ask "locutorio?" from any passer-by and you won't have to look long. They are as populous as corner grocery shops. |
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