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Act of Prophecy - 20th March
Acto de Profecia
Semana Santa Marinera, Valencia

Acto de Profecia of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain
This is one of the three "collective acts" of Semana Santa Marinera in Valencia - meaning a procession involving all Brotherhoods, not just one or two.

What is the message
While the retreta on 13th March is an announcement of the entire Holy Week, the Act of Prophecy is an announcement of the imminent three days of Passion - the nucleus of Holy Week.

The official course of events
In fact, the Grenadiers will not be present, so there will be 25 out of 28 Brotherhoods. The procession won't include many of the usual elements - there will be no imagenes, or biblical characters. Rather, each brotherhood will only have uniformed members and the music band. They will walk energetically throughout the district, visiting each of the 4 churches. The procession will be led by representatives of all Brotherhoods who will stop the procession at every church, go in and visit the Holy monument on display, before proceeding to the next one.

Acto de Profecia of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain

What you will see
It is a great spectacle of colours - for you to see every Brotherhood's unform and hear lots of traditional Spanish march music. However, this is all, and it will resemble more of a military parade than a religious procession. It is the least impressive procession of all 3. The atmosphere is great - energetic, joyful, last chance for the crowds and the members of the procession to laugh before Christ dies.

Acto de Profecia of Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Valencia, Spain


Officially, the procession takes 2 hours from first group leaving to last group arriving. If you are on one spot and the procession goes past you, it will take 35-40 min.

20th March (2008), Holy Thursday, 20.00 pm start, arrive a bit early to enjoy the social buzz on the square.

Starting at the Temple, a short loop round the Temple to Cristo del Grao and Ernesto Anastasio, then right to Francisco Cubells, left to calle Rosario, a stop-over in the Rosario Square to visit the Rosario church, then back on calle Rosario until Avenida Mediterraneo, turning right and down the avenida until the church of San Rafael on calle Reina, then up to the parallel calle Barraca, and finally a left onto Pintor Fernandis and Almenara to arrive to the last church of Angeles on Plaza de los Angeles.

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