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General Outline of Events During Semana Santa Marinera in Valencia

The Semana Santa Marinera in Valencia is all about various processions. Each procession has its own time, rules, content and meaning. All togeher they develop the whole story of the Passions of Christ, and each procession is a little story in its own.

This is just a general outline of events. Each day is covered in more detail - see Main menu of Semana Santa Marinera.

The Holy Week in Valencia is a week and a half.

The Warm-Up

The festivities start a week before Good Friday, 4 days before the official start of the Holy Week:

The opening procession of Retreta to invite people to celebrate.

Friday of Pain
Several processions to commemorate the Pain of the Mother who lost her Son.

Saturday of Passion
Several processions as a taster to what is to come - the suffering of Christ.

Palm Sunday
A very busy and happy day with lots of big processions to commemorate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem.

Then starts the Holy Week itself:

The Holy Week - before Good Friday

Holy Monday and Tuesday
Numerous general religious processions on the streets. Many imagenes get moved from church/museum to the homes of Brotherhoods.

Holy Wednesday
A very interesting day with many curious and unique processions, mainly aimed at contemplating remorse and world peace.

Holy Thursday
Jesus is about to be captured. First there will be an Act of Prophecy - a colourful large procession involving all Brotherhoods, which will finally announce the coming of Passions. Then, at night, several Processions of Silence - tragic walks mourning the capture of Jesus.

Holy Week - The 3 Days

Good Friday
Jesus is judged, beaten and crucified. In the morning, many processions will walk the Via Crucis - the Path of the Cross. It is a symbolic walk in Jesus' footsteps to the top of Golgotha.

Later in the evening, the biggest and most spectacular procession of the whole Holy Week - the Procession of the Holy Burial. All Brotherhoods come out together in full colour and with imagenes to tell the story of Passion and to mourn the death of Christ.

Holy Saturday
This is a quiet day but there will still be a few minor processions in the evening.

Easter Sunday
Jesus is Alive. In the morning many processions will have Parades of Glory and celebrate the Encounter of Mother with Son. Later in the day, a colourful huge Parade of Resurrection involving all Brotherhoods.

Easter Monday
A quiet day off

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