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Frankenstein - Rock Bar in Valencia, Spain

Mitjanit - underground rock mayhem in Carmen, Valencia Nightlife

Wednesday: Cafe-Teatro
Thursday: Live Music

Size: medium

Music: underground rock

Crowd: young, rock, anarchic
Dress: white shirt is probably out of place, a black death-type t-shirt is more suitable

Sociability: the world is wasted

Mitjanit - underground rock mayhem in Carmen, Valencia Nightlife

location of this pub, bar or club in Valencia Paginas Amarillas
5 Marques de Caro
Near: IVAM

prices of this pub, bar or club in Valencia 2.50€ beer 275ml bottl

opening times of this pub, bar or club in Valencia Wed-Sat
9pm- 3am

Carmen Map

You will spot the former Mitjanit from afar - the anarchy spills out onto the street, unable to keep the mayhem inside. Young, underground rock crowd gets wasted to the end. Mitjanit is dark, smoky, filthy and dingy to the bone, the way you like it. There are a few rock bars in Valencia but this one offers the music that is something really rare and off the mainstream. The place was probably meant as a disco-bar but noone really dances and the dance floor is covered in beer. You won't find a corner to talk at a normal volume but if you like mosh-pits, this one is pre-packaged. You might also catch some live music, or (if you are lucky to see Mr Hyde reverting to Dr Jackyll) cafe-teatro.


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